This morning, a woman died in Presevo. Her name was Fatima, she was 52 years old, from Irak, and she left behind a husband and adult sons. They were registered. That is, they had waited the long hours in the cold and wet weather to get through the[…]
All posts under Snapshots
Preševo: But nothing ever changes
click on images to view in fullscreen We expected some problems after the closure of the Hungarian border, but no one knew exactly where they would occur. After Saturday morning’s 33 busses held at Šid, on the Serbian-Croatian border, reports on the ground continued to indicate that Serbia would find[…]
Update from Presevo, Thursday 8 october
Thousands have arrived in Presevo since yesterday, where it has been raining continuously. The queue to get into the registration centre can take up to eight hours according to our estimates, and registration has slowed for unknown reasons. Confusion, disorientation and fatigue are affecting asylum-seekers, police officers, and volunteers alike.[…]
Update from Belgrade
Belgrade has largely emptied since the closing of the Hungarian border. With people being bussed directly from Serbia’s southern border at Presevo to it’s north-western border with Croatia at Sid, there are but a few dozen tents in each park and the streets around the train station are no longer[…]
Update from the Serbian-Hungarian Border
Orban’s theater is now playing for the media as the Hungarian government performs a show of force closing the border 7,5 hours before declared time. Asylum seekers are being directed towards busses at the Röszke-Horgoš border crossing. Further analysis to follow.
Update from Belgrade
Early morning under the rain in Belgrade, People start coming and going before dawn, exhausted from their travels they look for any place dry and warm to sleep. Others gather around campfires. Many don’t have tents, amongst them families with young children.