click on images to view in fullscreen I have to admit it’s quite hard to write about Preševo. The dynamics here are extremely complex, between the government and international organizations, between volunteers and both legitimate and illegitimate taxis, between the local population and the situation generally, and of course between[…]
All posts under Reports
Preševo: This shouldn’t be our job.
by Marie de Lutz and Kelsey Montzka-Böttiger Kelsey: We’ve been here; we have the necessities: bread, water, air. Determination and compassion our bread. Tears our water. Cigarette smoke our air. click on image for fullscreen It’s been pretty calm these past few days, with a significant drop in[…]
Update from Presevo: Coordination of the Registration Process
click on images to view in fullscreen Lines for the registration centre continued to be exceedingly long today, even when there were drops in the number of arrivals. A continued lack of information has caused much anxiety, as no information is provided by authorities regarding the registration process, and volunteers[…]
Preliminary report from Preševo
click on images for full screen Preševo is a small town in southern Serbia, near the border with Macedonia. It is now the primary transit point through Serbia. Asylum-seekers arriving from Macedonia cross at a village called Miratovac. They are then brought to Preševo, 8km away, where local authorities have[…]
Report from The Serbian Hungarian Border
Monday and Tuesday 14-15 September 2015 Last night the Hungarian military finished closing the border fence between Hungary and Serbia to keep out asylum-seekers. While the media has paid attention to this issue, there are many elements to this story which must be discussed. We consider these the most pressing[…]
Report from the Serbian-Hungarian Border
PART 1 – Coordination of the “pick-up area” – A completely different atmosphere permeated the campsite on the Hungarian side of the train tracks Saturday morning. We estimate double the amount of people on location than Friday, both in terms of the asylum-seekers arriving from Horgoš and the activities of[…]
Report from the Serbian-Hungarian Border
A railway track leads us from Horgos, in northern Serbia towards Hungary where asylum seekers hope to reach the European Union’s border. Thousands of people take this path daily, walking the roughly 3km from the village to a campsite where volunteers and humanitarian organizations provide food, rest, clothing, medical[…]
Report from the Serbian-Hungarian Border
Arrival under the rain in Subotica. Only a few refugees are present around the bus station, waiting for transportation to Horgos, nearer the border. An abandoned brick factory on the outskirts of town is being used as shelter by some, mostly Pakistani and Afghani. Subotica is not a resting point[…]
Report from Belgrade
There are currently 5-700 people staying in the parks surrounding the bus station in Belgrade. Numbers fluctuate daily as it is a transit point into Hungary and the EU. Most are passing through Turkey, then Macedonia to Serbia and beyond. Some have tents like these, others sleep outdoors. Serbian civil[…]